HeartSine SAM 450P
The SAM 450P: At 2.4 lbs and with a compact footprint, the SAM 450P is the most portable AED on the market. Self-Compensating Output Pulse Envelope (SCOPE) technology automatically optimizes the waveform pulse envelope (amplitude, slope and duration) for each individual patient. Real Economy for the Real World.
With its revolutionary technology, HeartSine’s proprietary CPR Rate Advisor uses the SAM 450P via the defibrillator electrodes to determine the rate of CPR being applied, without any addition of accelerometers (or pucks) commonly used in other AED devices.
The SAM 450P utilizes proprietary electrode technology and patented SCOPE™* biphasic technology, an escalating and low-energy waveform that automatically adjusts for patient impedance differences, to assess rhythm and recommend defibrillation if necessary.